As an NGO we run several activities that showcases what we do and how we operate.
Volunteer Journey
Activities Of The Organisation
Phychosocial Support
Development and implementation of community action plans on psychosocial support, follow up of displaced people in the communities overrun by insurgents, provision of counseling services, community based reception and rehabilitation, referrals of severe cases to other specialized service providers.
Livelihoods Support
Provision of sustainable and profitable means of livelihoods, training of Income Generating Activities and financial management, support to youths to attain vocational skills and provision of basic start up tool kits to beneficiaries in the communities.
Peace Building and Reconciliation
Training of Youth Support Groups on peace building and conflict resolution, ongoing tracing and re-union, facilitation of community reconciliation and peace meetings, community and religious dialogues and consensus building on traditional justice systems, interactive games and sports among children and youth, development and implementation of peace, action plans, and dissemination of Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials to provide acceptance and reintegration.
Is a strategy through which SAGVE addresses cross cutting issues that arise from the above core programs messages are generated through Youth Support Groups meetings.
Emergency and Relief
Provision of food aid, training in food security and agricultural rehabilitation to formerly displaced returnees, people affected by insurgencies and violent extremisms.
Mental Health
It will be implemented through: guidance and counseling, radio talk shows, Youth rehabilitation and skills promotion/capacity building center and community outreach.
This includes equipping learners, of all ages, and notably young women and men, with the knowledge, values, attitudes and behaviours, which foster responsible global citizenship, critical thinking, empathy and the ability to take action against violent extremism.
Education is very key
Improved access to education and psycho-social well being of marginalized children and youth.